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How to make money as an affiliate using MaxBounty CPA

                        What is MaxBounty?
MaxBounty is a CPA ( cost per action ) network which you may have come across as a affiliated marketer. MaxBounty use CPA ( cost per action ) method, where the affiliated marketer only copy link provided by MaxBounty to the website or blog he/she intended to display the ads. When visitor click on the ads they are been redirected and have to take some action such as summiting of zips code, taking survey or summiting of Email Address. Whenever a visitor complete the task the affiliated marketer account is then credited by MaxBounty.
               Why should I use MaxBounty?
Maxbounty is among the world's top Paying website in the case of CPA and Maxbounty is the world's number one CPA network paying 80% more than AdSense. If the task is perform well in maxbounty you can earn $10 in few minute or hours unlike AdSense which may took upto 2 days to make such amount.
MaxBounty has a good reputation ( They are Located in Ontario Canada since September 2003 )  and they are also known to be paying their user after successful completion of the assigned task.
 The problem is that MAX is not so easy to get approval, Maxbounty pays you in almost all ways and the staff is really helping.

                How to go about MaxBounty
Follow this step to get MaxBounty account
Go to and locate the sign up as affiliated marketer. Click on it a page will then display for filling of the application form. The application form should then be filled with proper details as require.
When filling the form there is an area to fill your experience as an  affiliated marketer. This will determine whether one will be accepted or not. If it is properly filled there is high chance of getting approved.
After that wait for a phone call interview by MaxBounty staff, you will be ask the method you intended to use to promote their service, answer the question properly.
If the experience, how to promote their services and the phone interview is done correctly, you will be approved.
Getting approval by MaxBounty is not the problem but the challenge is how you intended to make money with the CPA network
There are various way to promote maxbounty offer. Find a niche related to where you want to promote the offer ( I usually recommend dating, survey and health niches).
First select the campaigns
Now select the country, category, and the sub category and also have
a look at traffic type.
Here are the following way to promote your offer:
1. Blog: This is most common way affiliated marketer use. I usually recommended this if you have high traffic to your blog. All you have to do is to create a good and quality content about the product you intended to ptraffic. Create a Landing Page to collect the emails
from targetted traffic.
2. Email Marketing: If there you get a large number of email subscribers, this is a great way to promote the offer.
3. Social Media: Social media is becoming on of the best way to promote ads today. Sites like Instagram, Facebook, Stumbleupon, Twitter
and much more social sites are good for promoting CPA offers.
4. Banner Ads: This can be done by posting on a blog related to the niche you intended to promote. This must be a popular blog we you will be able to get more click.
You can get paid on MaxBounty through  Paypal, Bitcoin, or
If you have any question or something to say.
Drop your comments below

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